So today I went to the local consulate for the third time in two weeks to try and get a new passport as my current one is running somewhat low on pages. On my first visit the place was packed and I turned tail after copying down the requirements. I
loathe queues and waiting. On the second attempt the semi-official photo booth (all passport, visa etc applicants are referred to this booth) took such an abominable picture, I had to go to a "non-official" supplier i.e. Kodak, to get a better one. Today I returned in hopes of finaly getting it done and rejoiced - NO QUEUES! Stupidly I celebrated too early. After a cursory look at the photos the woman behind the counter goes into a long-winded explanation of why they wouldn't do. The upshot of which is no, she is not going to accept them because my face is too close to the edge of the pic.
What the....???
With some difficulty I kept my temper and left.
Another trip, another lunch hour wasted.
Back in the office, I compared the Kodak set with the "semi-official photo booth" pix.
They were identical give or take a millimetre.
The only difference being an extra white border around the Kodak set. And that I looked like a mongoloid hybrid in one and halfway decent in the other.
To think my hard-earned remittances pay for this kind of petty-minded, power tripping, benighted unhelpful (un) civil service!