It was a gorgeous, crisp autumn day yesterday, so
H and I jumped on the car to do a little exploring in Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam, two districts near to Maple Ridge and potentially places we could see ourselves buying a house one day.
I scramble to find the words to tell you what a lovely day it was. Better writers than I have done so. All I can do is to say that the leaves were red and gold and russet, the air smelled of dried grass and a whiff of bonfires. That the river babbled on and fish swam by. That the beavers were still trying to drop trees along the lake side. And that it was a perfect day to give thanks for one's blessings.

As I write this, thousands of homes across Canada will be celebrating Thanksgiving. Myself, I have much to be grateful for too. Family, friends, my guy, health, well-being. I am grateful for the many years that have been granted to me so far and hope that there will be many more.
I was telling
P yesterday that the past four decades of life, for both of us, have been very rich. Sure, there were losses along the way. But into each life, much as we struggle against it, some rain must fall. Rain has fallen. But it has served to strengthen, to encourage dreams, to foster love.
And days like yesterday, and a Thanksgiving like today, are days that remind us of our wins as well as losses, and all the dreams that, whether they come true or not, make a life that much richer and sweeter.