Saturday, October 29, 2005

"Double-ginger" biscotti

I'm currently obsessed with Tish Boyle's The Good Cookie, a well-reviewed cookbook that's been languishing in my bookshelf for close to 2 years now. With the holidays coming, I felt compelled to try out a few cookie recipes--and what could be better than Triple-Ginger Pecan Biscotti, which combines three gorgeous elements: ginger, ginger, and more ginger. I didn't have any crystallized ginger to hand, so compensated by adding the equivalent volume of freshly grated ginger--hence 'double-ginger'. Also had no vanilla extract (scoured both Oliver's and Park & Shops in vain) so made do with almond extract, and added a touch more freshly ground black pepper.

What the recipe didn't say, but other recipes generally do, is that it helps tremendously to freeze the dough for 30 minutes before working it. Otherwise you would have reallly sticky fingers (I did).

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