Tuesday, June 22, 2010

10 weekends of discovery

Last April I started a basic photography course in Vancouver, hoping to improve not only my knowledge of my equipment (Sony A100 when I started, then more than halfway into the course I bought a Nikon D90) but also how to take better, more compelling pictures. And, truly, I learned a lot. We took studio portraits of live models, we went to Granville Island to capture some of the sights, we did home projects to test and expand our understanding of focus, exposure, depth of field and the magical white balance. On the final day of the course, which was last Saturday, the instructor reviewed our mini "portfolios" and came up with what she thought was our individual best fives. Below are my five shots that she picked.

five selects

For the individual shots click on this link.
And I'm happy to report that I got an A :-)

1 comment:

Socraticmom said...

Great job ate! I feel so affirmed knowing that photography talent runs in my genes. :)