Early in January I made a resolution to step up my fitness regime a few notches. I'd been working pretty steadily since March 2010 at a new kind of job that entailed somewhat more physical activity than I was used to, and although I hadn't been running since the Sun Run in May I felt I was somehow more attuned to the whole running thing despite having dropped out of my beginner's running clinic which started in November 2009.
I realize now that that clinic was clearly above my abilities and fitness leel (at the time). Not the fault of the lovely peppy instructor at all. Last month, though, I registered for a proper training clinic for the Sun Run, and with 13 weeks to prepare till race day on April 17, I feel refreshed, ready and resolute!
The first session was pretty much an orientation, though we did run a few minutes. The training leaders emphasised doing a "shuffle-jog" instead of running, and wonder of wonders, I found it quite easy going! Exhilarating, in fact, to be in pace with a group instead of struggling, struggling, struggling to keep up. The past two weeks have followed the shuffling pace, with the run time increasing gradually. Last Sunday's session went like this: a 5 minute warmup and a 5-min cooldown and in between, a total of 21 minutes running (3 min run, 2 min walk x7). I felt really good at the end of the session. My running buddy was pretty cool too and I think she and I will be keeping each other motivated throughout this training.
Yesterday I took my first spin class and loved the challenge. Since I was a complete beginner I took it at my own pace, and used lower resistances and speeds, but overall it was a fabulous workout and I plan to do it at least once a week. (Note to self: wear longer workout shorts or tights next time! One of my thighs sported an ugly red bruise from the bike seat by the time it was over). I think I'll get the hang of this in a few weeks, and I expect the sore bum will heal up soon too. Those bike seats are HARD!
Really looking forward to a marvellously active winter and spring!
And now some bonus pictures of the garden, where green things are starting to come up. It's been a mild winter so far, not counting that cold snap in late November.
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