Sunday, March 13, 2011

55 minutes and going strong!

So, today was THE day. After a relatively gradual increase in volume over eight weeks we ramped up quite a bit to 55 minutes today. I wasn't sure I could do it. On the other hand, I'm fast learning that you can talk yourself INTO doing something almost as easy as talking yourself OUT of it. So I psyched myself, locked up the dogs, grabbed an umbrella and was out the door, despite the nonstop rain.

A largish crowd showed up for the run and we all did fine! I was amazed that although I felt very tired at some points I was nowhere near the gasping stage -- a sign perhaps that I wasn't pushing myself to the limits, just yet? If so, a good sign. We were all soaked though and by the end my hands were chilled through and through. But I did it, we did it! What a great Sunday. Knowing I am pushing myself out there, moving out of my comfort zone.

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