May 19. H has just organised the raised bed, fixing the wooden frame in place and hauling in some good soil. We didn't plant anything yet on this day. (That's his behind you see, I'm being naughty!)
May 20. We bought four tomato plants and various seeds and, in the soft drizzle that persisted throughout that day, planted them. Four tomato plants on one side, the long end of the patch. Four rows of carrots, four of Swiss chard, six rows of spinach, and 12 kale plants. The tall leaves you see growing are daffodils that were within the bed perimeter and had done their blooming for the year. We left them in, they will be a nice floral touch amid the veg next year.
June 14. Three weeks later, hurrah! The carrots are just an inch tall but all the other plants are robust. (That's me in shades)
The 12th kale plant didn't survive the heat waves but all the other kale are coming along nicely, they're about 9 to 10 inches tall now.
The lovely spinach.
Three of the four toms have been busy and have fruit. Below is a bunch of healthy young tomatoes from the heirloom plant (leastways I think it's an heirloom variety).
Cherry tomatoes (more than 20 globes now!):
We may have a harvest of kale soon! I have stir-fried kale in mind -- dark green and glistening with good olive oil, spiked with fat slivers of sauteed golden garlic, and maybe with crunchy toasted almonds. Anyone with good chard recipes, let me know! And I've always wanted to try fried green tomatoes, as seen in the movie.
Hi Lou,
Your garden in Maple Ridge looks beautiful and your recipes, delectable. Because you grow herbs in your backyard and have such an interest in cooking, you may already be familiar with Haney Farmers Market at Memorial Peace Park.
What you may not know though is that you can bring what you grow in your garden - to sell at the market.
For $5 you can be part of an event that has a strong focus on eating locally. You can find out more at or by following us on Twitter @MapleRidgeWknds.
Keep up the beautiful work on your blog.
Sandy Blue
Thanks, Sandy Blue - Actually me and hubby were at the market last Saturday. You might have seen us around! Eventually selling our own produce is an idea - we're having a hard time keeping up with the produce and we have greens coming out of our ears now!
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