No recipes here. I figure anyone with a smidgen of Pinoy ancestry can find a way to make this. Basically I had ground pork, ground beef, a bundle of carrots and various odds and ends like garlic, onion, ginger and soy sauce. In they went. Hands dived into the meat mixture, mixing and mashing. I peeled off lumpia wrappers, rolled and folded. Envelopes of meaty goodness fell into very hot oil, to come out golden and sizzling and crispy. Husband, whom I am gently introducing to the assertive flavours of Philippine cooking, was won over and had seconds. And thirds. With A&W's honey mustard sauce (I prefer sweet and sour sauce myself).
Dessert was simply peeled, sliced bananas with a few toasted walnuts and almonds sprinkled over, drizzled with honey.

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