We have six tomato plants thriving in the garden, planted only two weeks apart. Only three so far have shown signs of fruit, the other three are healthy and vigorous but only have a few flowers. Maybe something will come up in a couple more weeks.
I'm not exactly sure what variety the one shown above is. We got this from a local nursery run by a Dutchman and it was labelled only "F1". If you happen to know anything about tomatoes please let me know! It bears clusters of small fruit, and there are more than 20 young 'uns ripening now.
Right beside it is a Better Boy, a nice meaty variety. It only has one fruit so far:
And beside the Boy, this unlabelled variety that's carrying six or more fruit, and growing rounder, heavier and glossier by the day. I think it's a heritage tomato with yellow fruit:
Sweet Baby Girl, which we also bought from the Dutchman, and two other plants -- a Patio tomato and a second Better Boy -- both from a different nursery, do not have fruit yet. Guys, we're waiting!
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