Saturday, June 6, 2009

A perfect day

H and I skipped a party we were supposed to attend today, due to his hay fever, and just chilled out at home. Long hours napping, reading the papers, watching the comedy channel, bullshitting the dogs, pigging out on lumpiang shanghai, spaghetti and chunky brownies loaded with almonds and walnuts...A restful day and a serene sundown.


haze said...

Cozy home, splendid garden, great sunset, loving husband....definitely perfect ;) ! Really happy for your Ate!!!!!!! Bisous

Socraticmom said...

i love the shot of your home. :)

Welcome to my headspace. said...

Salamat, Haze! Sometimes the simplest of days are the happiest.

Cousin, thanks...this is the Asian bench I shipped all the way from HK at some expense, just because it held lots of happy memories of friends and family.