Friday, May 1, 2009

Sage Simon

I've always loved this song. Didn't know till now that it is quite vintage. Simon & Garfunkel released it in 1966. Its title refers to a fair held every August in Scarborough, a seaside English town, in the late Middle Ages. Says good old Wiki: "The song tells the tale of a young man, who tells the listener to ask his former lover to perform for him a series of impossible tasks, such as making him a shirt without a seam and then washing it in a dry well, adding that if she completes these tasks he will take her back. Often the song is sung as a duet, with the woman then giving her lover a series of equally impossible tasks, promising to give him his seamless shirt once he has finished."

I read that in many languages including Swedish, Danish, German, and English, there are quite a few folksong refrains that contain enumerations of herbs and spices. Makes sense - they didn't have MSG and chicken bouillon in those days!

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