Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Singin' the blues!

I don't know about you, but blue has never seemed to me to be a particularly depressive colour. If anything it lifts my heart, especially when it comes in saturated colours such as I find in our garden. Moving along the color wheel, I also adore purple, with some violet thrown in.

Primroses with a yellow centre.

Cranesbills, also known as hardy or true geraniums. This variety is Geranium phaeum aka Mourning widow:

French lilac:

One of our few blue columbines (most bear pink blooms):

Another variety of hardy geraniums

Dame's rocket or Dame's Violet, a wildflower:

Purple iris, of course.


The table in the back yard, where newly potted plants are babied:

The gardener's lady wears a blue floral skirt. Naturellement.

1 comment:

haze said...

Love the blue flower (Primroses) , it's my fave !