Friday, May 8, 2009

Boots, books and robins

H and I are now the proud hosts of not one, not two, but four baby robins! All young uns are safely ensconced in the nest that their mama built in one of the sheds in the backyard. I've not dared to photograph them for fear of spooking mother and babies with my camera's demonically bright flash. That, and accidentally nudging the nest and causing it to topple down six feet to the ground. I may take a peek later this week. I hope the babies all make it. I read somewhere only half of nests ever survive. Cats, raccoons and larger birds such as crows and hawks like to eat young robins. (Awww, here's a nice story with pictures of a robin's nest up to the moment the young birds grew old enough to leave the nest).

Speaking of black birds...There seems to be a sizeable raven population in this area. I saw one or two pecking at half-eaten sandwiches at the bus stop near the mall downtown. They were very bold - flying very close to people and eating their spoils with abandon. No fear at all, very fat and healthy looking, these urban birds.

Today I took Patsy for a walk down the salmon creek. Saw lots of dandelions but no salmon. After lunch H dropped me off at the local mall where I bought two books, a cute pair of rainboots (after all, je réside actuellement en so-rainy Colombie Britannique), and was briefly tempted to enter the Purdy's store. Resisted *heroically.* Took bus C46 home but got off too soon and wandered around for a bit before being rescued by a nice old couple who gave me a lift home. Turns out I was no more than five blocks away from our place. Pffttt!

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