Sunday, May 3, 2009

Carrot-pineapple cake

I've made so many carrot cake loaves and muffins over the years it's not funny. However, this morning I got up all excited and way too early because husband and I, with my sister and nephew, were going to Vancouver's Granville Island (more about that in a separate post). And when I am excited, I cook.

What you need: carrots and all the usual suspects. Plus a can of crushed pineapple. The recipe comes courtesy of epicurious; the only thing I did different was use most of the juice that came with the pineapple, mixing it with a bit of orange juice, instead of the juice concentrate mentioned in the recipe. Why? Because I didn't have any juice concentrate. Also I may have added about 2 tbsp more sugar than called for. And last goof-up: I omitted flouring the pans, which probably explains why some of the cake stuck. That said, the final verdict is: Yummy, moist and multilayered-flavourful with the grated carrots providing an earthy base for the plump raisins, the juicy pineapple, and the crunchy walnuts. As a footnote, H got up in the middle of the night and finished two muffins, with the requisite glass of milk.

The complete carrot mix:

Poured into the greased-but-unfloured-my bad pans:

All done! The missing muffin is because I was too hungry to wait for it to cool down. Just scarfed it up, straight from the muffin tin.


Anonymous said...

Miam-miam. I'm so drooling. If only I could scarf up a muffin straight from this page!

Welcome to my headspace. said...

Thanks anon:-) Best food wishes, from my house to yours!

Unknown said...

I keep coming back to this post, just to look at the photo. The more I crave. Am waiting for them to pop out of my computer screen. Maso me.

Welcome to my headspace. said...

Thanks R! I feel the same way about many food images on the Web :-)

Unknown said...

Yes, I'm a sucker for eye-catching images but of course, I often think of photos as a nice complement to an interesting and well-written piece of story.

Incidentally, I just discovered (via another site) a barely two-month old food blog. Check it out: It's lovely!

PS I'm not sure if I posted this comment twice. If so, just delete it. Thanks.